Join us, it only takes a Handshake.
In many ways, the Old West was a simple time, led by an unwritten Code of Honour.
This code was a moral compass for many, guided by a man’s word of morality and decency. It represents fairness, loyalty, living each day with courage, and respect for the land.
In those days, a person’s handshake was a symbol of a man’s integrity and the Old West Code of Honour. A handshake assured upholding of moral principles. Banks would loan money on a handshake. 
Business was completed with a handshake. A man was taught to never go back on a handshake; his handshake was an acknowledgement of honour.
There were no 30-page documents with places for 15 signatures and a notary stamp.
Men simply shook hands, which sealed the deal.
We invite you (not just men!) to become a member of Cowboy Dressage for free,
completing the deal with just a (virtual) handshake.
If you want to take it a step further; Join our Cowboy Dressage Remuda.
Remuda: the herd of horses from which those to be used for the day are chosen.
The Remuda is the paid membership option for Cowboy Dressage®.
It offers you to the possibility to accumulate points towards the year end high points award for your chosen level.
Since we don't have an official Cowboy Dressage® judge in Europe yet, and we therefor don't have any official tests to be ridden in order to accumulate points, it might seem somewhat useless to join the Cowboy Dressage® Remuda at this point in time. (August 2019)
However, with your subscription you also send the signal to CDW that you take you pledge seriously, and you too want to show your abilities in riding with Soft Feel. Your annual membership fee can also go toward educating more Cowboy Dressage® judges and clinicians in Europe, and therefor building Cowboy Dressage® in Europe.